智能机械手 焊接 搬运

智能机械手优势 机械手可以减省工人、提高效率、降低成本、提高产品品质、安全性好。 动作灵活、运动惯性小、通用性强、能抓取靠近机座的工件,并能绕过机体和工作机械之间的障碍物进行工作. 随着生产的需要,对多关节手臂的灵活性,定位精度及作业空间等越来越高。






What is Industrial Robotic Arm do?


A robotic controller rotates motors that are attached to each joint. Some of the larger arms, used to lift heavy payloads, are run by hydraulic and pneumatic means. The arm's job moves the end effector from place to place – picking up, putting down, taking off or welding a part or the entire work piece.